Electronics & Communications Engineering
The Information Age has incontestably arrived, the Digital Era is here to stay, Networking is the buzzword today and Connectivity is the key to leverage information. A social metamorphosis is taking place, heralding the emergence of an Information Society in which anyone can acquire and exchange information at anytime, anywhere. In modern times the range of communication tools and devices are numerous starting from telephone modes to satellites, computers and internet video streaming, to name but a few. Without the advancement in electronics, these would not have been possible. Herein lays the basic importance of the discipline. Established in 1999, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is enriched with qualified and experienced faculty members with several years of exposure in Electronics and Communication Engineering and its allied fields. The faculty members are also pursuing research work regularly followed by national and international publications in their credit.
The department is equipped with more than 23 full-fledged state-of-the-art laboratories which cater to the needs of producing highly trained and competent engineers who are already proving their quality and worth the present-day global market. The department boasts about its well-equipped Electronics and Communication Engineering Laboratories, such as Microwave Engineering, Communication Engineering, Advanced Communication Engineering, VLSI Design, Analog & Digital Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, Microwave and Simulation Laboratory. Our ECE department has received a sanctioned MODROB fund, of Rs.7 lac, from AICTE for development of Communication Laboratory and Rs. 15.74 lakh for VLSI design laboratory. All of the laboratories are furnished with most up to date latest instruments and tools. The department conducts two undergraduate and one post graduate programs. The two undergraduate programs are B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering (NBA Accredited, 2009-2012 and 2016-2022) and B. Tech in Electronics & Communication( VLSI Design).
Keeping precisely the above important aspects of Electronics and Communication Technology in view, the department has rightly introduced the post graduate programme M. Tech with specialization in Electronics and Communication Engineering since 2008.
Electronics & Communication Engineering Department is one of the oldest and premier departments of MCKV Institute of Engineering since the inception (1999). The department offers two B. Tech degrees viz. B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering and B.Tech in EC(VLSI Design). M.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering is also being conducted for over 14 years to encourage UG students in higher studies. The B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering has been accredited by the NBA visiting team for the period 2009-2012 and 2016-2022.
B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Intake Capacity: 60
Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)
Approved by All India Council of Technical Education [80% students are admitted from WBJEE, 10% from JEE (MAIN), 10% from Management Quota + 3 students are from TFW Quota]
Additional 6 Students can be admitted in 3rd Semester through JELET (Lateral Entry Admission)
For eligibility criteria in B.Tech and B.Tech Lateral entry scheme : click here
To be a centre of academic excellence providing quality education in Electronics & Communication Engineering and research.
To create an active learning environment.
To blend the faculty research under students project work.
To promote inter disciplinary interaction and teamwork among the students.
To update the students with recent trends in industry and research.
PEO1: Graduates of the programme will have successful career in allied areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
PEO2: Graduates of the programme will pursue higher studies.
PEO3: Graduates of the programme will demonstrate professional ethics and multi-disciplinary team work in their profession
POs describe what students are expected to know or will be able to do by the time they complete graduation from the program. The Program Outcomes of UG in Electronics & Communication Engineering are as follows:
PO1 – Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2 – Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PO3 – Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
PO4 – Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5 – Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 – The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 – Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PO8 – Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 – Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 – Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11 – Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply the set one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 – Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1: Apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve advanced engineering problems in the areas of electronic devices & circuits, communication, computer architecture and computation to pursue higher studies.
PSO2: Accomplish advanced practical exposure in the domain of communication, microprocessor & microcontroller, signal processing and VLSI using contemporary tools and/or equipment’s to acquire professional competencies to meet industry standards.
Recent Events

ESCAPADE-2024, an event organized by the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) department, proved to be a remarkable affair, showcasing the talents and competitive spirit of students across various departments of our college. The event comprised three exciting rounds designed to test different skills and abilities of the participants.
PRAYAS – 2024

‘PRAYAS’, initiated the year 2017 is our small endeavor to foster research orientation amongst our talented and energetic students. It aims at enhancing their independence to learn, think and synthesize in order to contribute research ideas and innovations in traditional and emerging areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering. In this competition, student participants will get an opportunity to present their technical articles. This will provide them a platform to share their ideas with other participants and eminent experts in the field and through technical discussions emerge with improved solutions. PRAYAS – 2024 looks forward to attain success like the last six years with the active support of the student community.
Departmental activities
Lecture Series 2024

The Three-Day Lecture Series on ‘Recent Trends in Photonics, Microelectronics, and Communication – 2024 [RTPMC – 24]’ was held from February 20th to 22nd, 2024, organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering [NBA Accredited] in collaboration with IET (UK) Kolkata Local Network and IIC MCKVIE as per the below schedule:”
There were a total of 58 participants .
Speaker: Prof.(Dr.) Parha Roy Choudhuri, Professor, Physics Dept, IIT, Kharagpur
Speaker: Prof.(Dr.) Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Professor, Electronic Science Dept, CU
Speaker: Prof.(Dr.) Monojit Mitra, Professor, E & TC Dept, IIEST, Shibpur.
Documents of activities
Peer group teaching:
- Notice for peer group teaching on “Data Structure and C” for ECE 3rd sem students. (2019-2020) – click here
- Notice for peer group teaching on “Computer Network” for ECE 6th sem students. (2021-2022) – click here
Events Notification for organizing seminar, workshop, training for ECE students:
- Notice for Workshop from 4th August to 6th August, 2018 – click here
- Notice for Workshop from 6th September to 7th September, 2019 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 21st September, 2019 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 18th October, 2020 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 26th June, 2021 – click here
- Notice for Webinar on 31st July, 2021 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 18th September, 2021 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 12th January, 2022 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 28th May, 2022 – click here
Encouraging students in research:
- Student Article Competition organized by ECE Dept. – click here
Events Notification for organizing seminar, workshop, training for ECE students in 2022-2023:
- Notice for Workshop on 26th – 27th September, 2022 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 26th July, 2022 – click here
- Notice for Workshop on 11th October, 2022 – click here

Project Lab

Project lab

VLSI Design Lab

Microwave lab

Control & DSP lab

Basic Electronics Lab


Student Achievements

Kushal Biswas, Pallabi Chatterjee, Debdutta Basu
Science & Engineering FAIR 2019
Science & Engineering FAIR 2019
Best Applied Technology Prize

Saswata Dasgupta
Successful Alumni

Sayan Chatterjee
Professor, Dept of ETCE
Jadavpur University

Sagar Mukherjee
Staff Engineer
Western Digital Bengaluru

Aritra Bhattacharjee
Senior Design Engineer Cadence Design Systems Pvt.Ltd.

Soumava Mukherjee
Assistant Professor
IIT Jodhpur.
Faculty Members
Dr. Krishnendu Chattopadhyay
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering
AMIETE, M.E., Ph.D.(Engg.)
22 years experience
DOJ: 01-03-2001
Dr. Satadal Saha
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Engg.)
22 years experience
DOJ: 31-07-2004
Dr. Atanu Banerjee
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Sc (Phy. Hons.), B.E., M.E., Ph.D.(Engg.)
20 years experience
Dr. Pubali Mukherjee
Assistant Professor & HOD
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Tech.)
15 years experience(Teaching), 2 years(Research)
Dr. Joydeep Banerjee
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Engg.)
13 years experience
DOJ: 10-02-2009
Dr. Kalyan Biswas
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Engg.)
14 years experience (teaching), 6 years(industry), 2.5years (research)
DOJ: 17-03-2009
Mr. Subhasish Banerjee
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Pursuing Ph.D. (Tech.)
17.5 years experience
DOJ: 20-02-2007
Ms. Debasree Maity
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech
14.5 years experience
DOJ: 02-09-2008
Mr. Soham Lodh
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Pursuing Ph.D. (Tech.)
11.5 years experience
DOJ: 19-02-2011
Dr. Rajarshi Sanyal
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
AMIETE, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Engg.)
18 years experience
DOJ: 13-07-2011
Mr. Sekhar Rana
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D. (Engg.) (pursuing)
13 years experience
DOJ: 02-08-2011
Ms. Mahua Raha (Patra)
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
AMIE, M.Tech
3 years experience
DOJ: 02-01-2020
Ms. Sulagna Roy
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
AMIE, M.Tech
1.5 years experience
DOJ: 01-07-2021
Ms. Susmita Sarkar
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
AMIE, M.Tech
3 years experience
DOJ: 02-01-2020
Ms. Sushmita Dey
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering with specialization in Communication
3 years experience
DOJ: 02-01-2020
Mr. Kaushik Dey
Adjunct Faculty
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering
Manager, Accenture Bangalore,
20 years of IT experience
DOJ: 28-06-2021
Mr. Rahul Dutta
Visiting Faculty
Electronics and Communication (VLSI Design), Electronics and Communication Engineering
1 year of Teaching Experience,
M.Sc. in Life Sciences(Bose Institute, CU )