Information Technology
Information Technology is a branch of study that has emerged over a little more than the last two decades. While the term “Computer Science” is usually reserved for the more theoretical, academic aspects of computing, the term “Information Technology” encompasses more of the applications dealing with real-life human activities and non – computerized business processes like knowledge management.
Keeping precisely the above important aspects of computer science and communication technology tied together in the curriculum, the department of Information Technology was introduced in 1999, at the same time of the inception of MCKVIE. Enriched with highly qualified Faculty members and equipped with state-of-the-art computer labs the Department has been producing highly trained and competent software engineers who have already proved their quality and worth in the job market, education and even in research work.
Information Technology as a field of study has been playing a very important part of our lives today. While one might think of the typical IT worker employed in a major software company as a software developer, the reality is that, a significant number of IT workers are found in banks, insurance companies, manufacturing plants or in some other non-IT related business. Thus human resource training and requirement in IT is still high and this stream attracts some of the most talented students who take interest in the field of Engineering and Technology.
- Intake Capacity: 60
- Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT)
- Approved by All India Council of Technical Education [80% students are admitted from WBJEE, 10% from JEE (MAIN), 10% from Management Quota + 3 students are from TFW Quota]
- Additional 6 Students can be admitted in 3rd Semester through JELET (Lateral Entry Admission).
For eligibility criteria in B.Tech and B.Tech Lateral entry scheme : click here
The vision of Information Technology department is to be a recognized leader in Information Technology education in support of teaching and learning and to be the preferred source of quality technology education, research and community services delivery for the local, national and international levels.
M1: To build a quality and cutting edge technology infrastructure.
M2: To establish and maintain an effective academic environment.
M3: To deliver quality, prompt and reliable technology education services aligning with the Institute’s mission in teaching and learning.
M4: To engage in emerging research areas and establishing leadership.
M5: To contribute to the community services at large as well as catering to socio-economic goals in local and national levels.
PEO1: The graduates of Information Technology program will acquire a strong background in basic & contemporary science and ability to use these tools in Information Technology.
PEO2: The graduates of Information Technology program will demonstrate technical and research competence in various fields of Information Technology and allied areas.
PEO3: The graduates of Information Technology program will attain professional and entrepreneurial excellence through life-long learning.
PEO4: The graduates of Information Technology program will imbibe ethical and moral behaviour.
Information Technology Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Information Technology Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PSO1: Understand, analyze and develop computer programs for efficient analysis and design of computer-based systems.
PSO2: Apply standard practices and strategies in software development.
PEO3: Employ modern computer languages, software tools and platforms in creating innovative career paths to be a successful professional.

Basic Computing Lab

Project Lab

AI & Object Technology Lab

OS Lab

DBMS & Web Technology Lab


- Click here for IE(I) student chapter activities.

And many more…
Student Achievements

Adrita Chatterji
Slam Poetry Competition
Calcutta Tales by Udaan
9 February, 2019
1st Prize

Rajan Ram
KREATIONZ (Poster Making Contest)
TELOS 2019 (Online Annual TechFest of MYWBUT.COM)
29th March, 2019
1st Prize

Suchismita Kundu
Art-of-Fooduction at Panache, 2018
Rotaract Club, Nadia House
17th -18th March, 2018

Anirban Guha Chowdhury
INDOOR INTREPID (Carom Competition)
The Rotary Club of Calcutta
9th September, 2018

Arka Banerjee
Exhibit Rose, 1 pot (Class 1, Section 69) in ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW 2019
The Agri-Horticultural Society of India
17 February, 2019
3rd Prize

Vijaya Pathak
Tanaya 2018, SEASON2
The Colourful Mind
2018 - 2019
Top 5 Competitor

Sayani Roy Chowdhury
Content Writing in Facebook
The Wordsmiths
21st February, 2017
Best Writer Award

Amiya Roy
Professional Development Programme : “RISE”
Retaract Club of MCKVIE
& Rotary club of Belur
3rd March, 2018
1st Prize
Successful Alumni

Mr. Sagar Khastogir
Senior General Manager
Phonex Group Kolkata.
President, MCKVIE Alumni Association
1999 - 2003

Mr. Anirban Lahiri
Director, Technology
Arndit Ltd., UK
1999 - 2003

Dr. Subhajit Roy Chowdhury
Associate Professor
IIT Mandi
Teaching and Research
2000 - 2004

Dr. Nilanjan Dey
Associate Professor
JIS University, Kalyani
Teaching and Research
2001 - 2005

Mr. Sreyans Jain
Sliced Mango Design Studio
2002 - 2006

Mr. Rohan Goswami
COO & Director of Product,
Tech. Policy Designer
2010 - 2014

Ms. Priya Sultania
MS Web Solutions, Pune
2012 - 2016

Ms. Aashna Singh
Software Engineer at Copart, Texas, United States
2013 - 2017

Dr. Tirthankar Dasgupta
Principal Scientist,
TCS Research & Innovation Lab.
BOS Member, MCKVIE IT Dept.
1999 - 2003

Mr. Subhendu De
Senior Consultant
2001 - 2005

Mr. Debayan Gupta
MTS-2 PayPal, Oracle,
Bangalore, India
2001 - 2005

Mr. Ganesh Baid
Founder, RNJ Consultancy Services(P) Ltd, Kolkata
2002 - 2006

Mr. Vikash Jalan
Solution Architect at Blue Yonder, Bengaluru, India
2007 - 2011

Mr. Sumit Pal
Research Fellow
IIT Kharagpur
Research & Academics
2012 - 2016

Ms. Meghdeepa Manna
Cyber Security Professional, Riscure, Netherlands
Tech. Executive
2013 - 2017
- Departmental students pursued Post Graduate / Higher Studies at different Institutes worldwide : click here
Faculty Members
Dr. Shampa Sengupta
Associate Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Engg.)
Teaching experience: 21 years
Industry experience: 1 year
Research experience: 11 years
DOJ: 25-03-2003
Mr. Sachin Balo
Assistant Professor and HOD
Information Technology
B.E., M.E.
17 years experience
DOJ: 13-04-2007
Ms. Jayanti Pathak Rudra
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
AMIE, M.Tech
21.9 years experience
DOJ: 31-03-2007
Ms. Jayanti Mahata
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.Tech
17 years experience
DOJ: 16-06-2007
Mr. Priyanath Mahanti
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
M.Sc., M.E.
Teaching experience: 16 years
DOJ: 25-07-2007
Mr. Sougata Dey
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.E.
16 years experience
DOJ: 25-07-2007
Ms. Ipsita Dalui
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Teaching experience: 16 years 4 months
Research experience: 3 years
Other experience: 1 year 3 months
DOJ: 08-01-2008
Mr. Arijit Sarkar
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
AMIE, M.Tech
Teaching experience: 12 Years 9 Months
Other experience: 6 Years
DOJ: 15-07-2003
Ms. Nabamita Majumder
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Sc.(H), MCA, M.Tech
Teaching experience: 14 years
Industry experience: 4 years
Other experience: 1 year 6 months
DOJ: 10-10-2006
Mr. Arindam Das
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Sc.(H), MCA, M.Tech
Teaching experience: 13 years 8 months
Industry experience: 2 years 3 months
Other experience: 7 years 3 months
DOJ: 14-08-2012
Mr. Uddalok Sen
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.Tech.
Teaching Experience: 16 years
D.O.J.: 08.08.2023
Mr. Suman Mitra
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.Tech
Teaching Experience: 2 years
D.O.J.: 02.08.2023
Ms. Anwesa Das
Assistant Professor
Information Technology
B.Tech, M.Tech
Teaching Experience: 7 years
D.O.J.: 07.08.2023
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Debabrata Datta
IT Adjunct Faculty
M.Sc in Nuclear Physics, CU
M.Phil in High Energy Nuclear Physics, S.I.N.P., CU
Graduate in Nuclear Engineering, BARC, Mumbai
PhD, Mumbai University.
Total experience: 34 years.