
1 day International Seminar 17/01/2020

1 day International Seminar 17/01/2020

1 day International Seminar 17/01/2020

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CSE Department has organized 1 day International Seminar which was held on 17/1/2020 at our Institute premises. Prof. Dariusz Plewczynski PhD and a Professor at University of Warsaw in Center of New Technologies CeNT, Warsaw, Poland, was the Chief Guest and Invited Speaker for the International Seminar. He started his speech on “Human Genome in Three Dimensions: our present understanding of the spatial complexity of DNA” at 11.15 am in Malay Mancha, followed by visit to Central Facilities of our Institute. Faculties of different Engineering Colleges, Degree Colleges, Polytechnic Colleges and students from different Engineering Institution attended the program to make the program a huge success. A large number of faculty members and staff members of our institution also attended the program. Around 125 students of CSE Department attended the program enthusiastically and Certificates were distributed to both external and internal participants. A meeting takes place between Prof. Dariusz Plewczynski and faculty members of CSE to explore the possibility of joint research collaboration between MCKVIE & Warsaw in Center of New Technologies CeNT, Warsaw, Poland.

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16-01-2020 to



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