
Internal Hackathon for the Institute 06/02/2020

Internal Hackathon for the Institute 06/02/2020

Internal Hackathon for the Institute 06/02/2020

532 532 people viewed this event.

As per the guidelines of SIH – 2020, internal Hackathon for the Institute was organized on 6th February, 2020. Total 07 teams (each team comprises of 06 team members) of different departments participated in the event, out of which 4 teams were selected in software division and 2 teams were selected from the hardware section for second level of competition for SIH-2020. Two external judges were invited from TCS, Kolkata for final selection of these proposals. Mr. Abhisek Saha, Mr. Sumit Majumdar and Mrs. Soma Bandyopadhyay, Ms. Mahua Nandy Pal were the coordinators for the SIH-2020. Dr. S. S. Thakur was the SPOC for the SIH-2020.

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

01-06-2020 to



Event Category

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