IE(I) Student Chapter

Faculty In Charge: Mr. SOUGATA DEY, Asst.Professor, IT Dept.
About the Chapter:
The Institution of Engineers (India), IE(India) is the national organisation for Engineers in India. It was founded in 1920 in Madras with Sir Thomas R.J. Ward as the founding President.IE (I) has over 0.5 million members from 15 engineering disciplines in 99 centres or chapters in India and overseas. It is the largest multi-disciplinary engineering professional society in the English-speaking World. 94 Years of Relentless Journey Towards Engineering Advancement for Nation-building.
Objective-To grow the interaction between students and industry people and increase the knowledge that will be required by the students pertinent to the industry.
The Chapter conducted Several activities during the past years in Information Technology Department.
The IE(I) students’ Chapter at IT department inaugurated on 5th May 2012 by Eminent Professor C A Murthy from ISI Kolkata. Mr. Sandipan Chanda , Director ,Force Ten Technologies, Er. Sandip Deb,Jt. Secretary IE(India) also delivered the address to the students’on that day.
On 7th September 2012 a Special Lecture Delivered By: Prof Sunanda Banerjee, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics on the Topic: Higgs Boson: God Particle.
On 13th October 2012 again a Interesting Technical Lecture Delivered By: Prof Debesh Das, Jadavpur University, Mr. Kalyan Das, FSMWB on theme: Free & Open Source Software.
On 24th February 2013 an Industrial Visit was Conducted by the Chapter to Simoco Telecommunications Pvt. Ltd at Sector V Salt Lake, Kolkata where students’ were trained with Modern Telecommunication Equipments as part of their Theory Knowledge.
On 13th September 2014 at IEI Students’ Chapter of IT Department organized a talk on “Clustering & Classification” by Prof Sugata Sen Roy of Calcutta University.
On 27th March 2015 again an Industrial Visit conducted by the Chapter to Simoco Telecommunications Pvt. Ltd at Sector V Salt Lake, Kolkata where students’ were trained with Modern Telecommunication Equipments as well as Live Software Projects as part of their Technical Knowledge.
On 19th April 2016 at IEI Students’ Chapter of IT Department organized a Technical Paper competition among students and Prizes distributed.
On 5th May 2017 INFOTECHNIA 2K17—an aptitude and GD competetion conducted under IEI Students’ Chapter of IT Department in collaboration with Globsyn Business School.
The Institute of Engineers (India) Student Chapter & Information Technology Department, MCKV Institute of Engineering Collaborative Activity List below so far :
SL.No. | Activity Date | Event Name |
1. | 9th April,2011 | Future Trends in Computations, Speaker: Prof.Atal Chowdhury,J.U. |
2. | 5th May, 2012 | IEI Student chapter opening ceremony —to be held on 5th May 2012 |
3. | 7th September, 2012 | Higgs God’s Bosen:The Story of Particle, Speaker: Prof. Sunanda Baberjee, SINP |
4. | 13th October, 2012 | Free & Open Source Software Prof. Debesh Das, J.U. and Mr. Kalyan Kumar Das, Member, FSMWB. |
5 | 24th February, 2013 | Industrial Visit at SIMOCO Telecommunication at Salt Lake Sector V. |
6 | 13th September, 2014 | Talk on “Clustering & Classification, Prof Sugata Sen Roy of Calcutta University |
7 | 27th March, 2015 | Industrial Visit at SIMOCO Telecommunication Salt Lake Sector V |
8 | 19th April, 2016 | Students’ Paper Competetion PRESENTOMANIA |
9 | 5th May, 2017 | Students’ Aptitude Test & GD Competition INFOTECHNIA 2K17 |
10 | 15th April, 2020 | Oracle Database Security for budding Engineers (Online Event) |
11 | 16th April, 2021 | Small Budget Big Impact: How to Solve complex problems, start a Company and build solutions that matters. (While you are still a student) [Online Event] |
12 | 25th September, 2021 | Demystifying Blockchain Technology [Online Event] |
13 | 1st December, 2021 | Trends of Biotechnology and Engineering in future Goal [Online Event] |
14 | 11th March, 2022 | Skill enhancement and current need of Industry |
15 | 3rd June, 2022 | PULSE.EXE |
16 | 15th September, 2022 | Engineer’s Day Celebration |
Some glimpses of the chapter activities below.